Saturday, September 1, 2012

If you inhale a pea in can sprout and grow in your lungs

Retired teacher Ron Sveden, from Brewster, Massachusetts will tell you that your lungs aren’t the best place to start a garden. Sveden was already fighting emphysema when his health took a turn for the worst. At the hos-pea-tal, his X-ray revealed a grainy spot, which was initially thought to be cancer. But the doctors and Ron were pea-leased to discover that it was actually something much less deadly; a pea seed that had split and sprouted into a half-an-inch pea-lant.
Doctors speculated that Ron had eaten a pea that “went down the wrong way” during a meal and ended up in his lungs. The moisture in the lungs kept the plant alive; it was similar to those “growing plants using moist paper towels in a plastic bag” experiments he might have conducted during his teaching career. A surgery dug out the plant that acted as more of a weed in Sveden’s lungs.
The first meals he had after the surgery contained pea. “I just laughed to myself as I ate them,” he says. So unfortunately, this isn’t something you can show to your parents if you don’t want to eat your vegetables. Sveden was able to return home to his family and friends after just a pea-ew days

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