Sunday, September 2, 2012

best relief for your sunburn

Can use white household vinegar or apple cider vinegar
Spray vinegar all over burn or soak small towels in vinegar and apply to skin
Bathe in a cool bath with 2 – 3 cups of vinegar
The tannic acid from tea is soothing for sunburns
Steep a large pot of very strong tea using 4 – 6 tea bags.
Refrigerate the tea until it’s cold then soak small towels in the tea and apply to burn area.
Can also spray the cold tea on burn. The tea could stain the towels, you may not want to use your best.
Save used tea bags and apply to burn area (make sure to have bags at room temperature first).
Bathe in a cool bath with several tea bags in the water.
Soak small towels in milk and apply to skin.
Soak in a bath with cool water and a gallon of milk.
Plain Yogurt
apply directly to skin.
Aloe Vera:
Aloe Vera Gel, either purchased or taken fresh from an aloe leaf.
Lotions that include Aloe Vera.
Fill a bath with cool water and add 2 cups oatmeal. Soak in bath for about 30 minutes.
Mix oatmeal with raw egg whites and apply to sunburn.
Baking Soda:
Fill bath with cool water and add 1 – 2 cups baking soda, dissolve. Soak in tub for 30 minutes.
Fill a spray bottle with cool water and dissolve 1/4 cup baking soda. Spritz on burned skin.
Essential Oils:
Caution when applying on children. Keep out of eyes and mouth.
Fill a spray bottle with cool water and add a few drops of choice, or add 10 to 12 drops essential oils to a bath full of cool water and soak. Lavender Oil or Chamomile Oil.
Make a paste of cornstarch and water, apply to skin and allow to dry.
Fill a spray bottle with cool water and add some cornstarch, mix to dissolve. Spray on skin.
Fill a bath with cool water and add 1 cup cornstarch, dissolve. Soak in tub for 30 minutes.
Soak in tub or shower with cool water. Pat dry. Lightly dust skin with cornstarch.
1/2 cup cornstarch + 1/2 cup baking soda added to bath of cool water, dissolve. Soak for 30 minutes.
Slices added directly to skin or mash first then apply to burn.
Grate cucumbers and mix with milk. Apply directly to skin.
Grate potatoes and apply directly to skin–include as much of the potato juice as possible.
Egg Whites:
Apply raw egg whites to skin.
Mix 2 egg whites, 1 TBS honey, 1 TBS witch hazel and apply to skin.
Witch Hazel:
Spray directly on skin.
Smooth honey over the burn or slather honey on a strip of gauze and apply to skin.
Mix honey with lime or lemon juice (80/20) and apply.
Mix honey 50/50 with milk, stir well, then apply.
1/4 cup tomato juice or tomato paste mixed with 1 1/2 cups buttermilk. Apply to burn area.
Slice or mash tomatoes and apply to skin.
Mash tomatoes and mix with an equal amount of buttermilk. Apply to burned skin.
Add 2 cups tomato juice to bath of cool water, soak.
Pantry Fixins:
Smear mustard on burned skin.
Soak cloth in pickle juice and apply to skin. Or spray pickle juice directly on burn.
Puree strawberries and apply directly to skin.
Burned Skin Soothers

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